Users' experience

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The most impressive thing is to avoid cognitive bias. Also, I learn to recognize my own shortcomings and weaknesses, transform negative thoughts, set personal goals, and devise a recovery plan...Help myself to make progress slowly, and step by step... After completing the eight modules, the transformation of thoughts is much faster. Actually, negative thoughts are self-punishing.

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In my opinion, breathing can be mastered easily. Clam down by doing physical movements. When I have shortness of breath and difficulties in controlling emotions, I go to the toilet for rest... Breathing helps to soothe the emotions. Inhaling and exhaling can calm myself down. Practicing breathing in the morning and evening is a great help to my emotions.

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Listening to the audio navigation, especially the breathing exercises, helps me a lot. Usually, I start listening in the morning and evening. Then, I calm myself down, and feel less anxious. Perseverance in practice motivates me to complete the eight modules, which is very good! Abdominal breathing helps me to relax.

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Learning breathing exercises is helpful to me. It helps me calm down, sleep better, and relax… If there is no telephone support from the counselor, my progress may not be so fast, and it will be slower﹗Talking over the phone allows me to share anything! It avoids embarrassment when talking face to face.

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I have depression many times, but cannot solve it. In this course, a counselor reminds me weekly to write a diary, read case studies, and do testing, suggesting that I can solve the problem.

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This project helps me recover faster, recover better, reduce the chance of relapse, enhance my awareness, and understand the illness better... The most important content is to know how to transform my thoughts, that is, don't go to a dead end... Understanding cognitive bias helps me understand my problem.

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Talking over the phone, without seeing each other, is more comfortable. Without knowing the counselor makes me at ease. She is so patient. When I tell her I cannot do it and don’t know how to do it, she teaches me step by step, and says “It is OK!". She will call the technical support if needed. She also seek for further improvement in the program, so that we can do it easily, conveniently, and do not it stupidly just like a blind fly.

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Doing breathing exercises by following with a very gentle voice, makes me very comfortable, and calms down my emotions easily… She (the counsellor) is a very experienced counsellor. When I have some unresolved problems, I seek her advice...In fact, you can talk with the counsellor for any kind of problems.

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Even though I am a transgender person and the counselor is a female, the counselor is willing to listen to me, and talk over some topics that I rarely talk to others

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She (the counselor) teaches me cognitive behavioural therapy, as well as other issues other than emotional regulation… Sometimes our discussions could be out of cognitive behavioural therapy… In addition, she helps me to link up cognitive behavioural therapy with my daily life. In my opinion, she has taken an important role in the programme… I really want to change myself and learn more about my own feelings, so that I can easily understand how people feel. She teaches me the skills, which are out of cognitive behavior therapy.

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Mindfulness helps me to pay attention to the present moment. At this moment, I do not think of those things that were unhappy before, nor worry about those things in future that have not happened. Subsequently, my anxiety reduces a lot.

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After learning mindfulness, I learn how to breathe deeply, how to stop and think, and pay attention to my body sensations.

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In my opinion, the counselor is like my teacher as well as a friend of mine. She has given a lot of support to me. She is so patient, nice and so skillful. She is good at making compliments… Sometimes when I encounter technical problems, such as login or logout, I’ll ask the counselor via WhatsApp about these problems in detail, and let her help me.

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iCBT helps me better organize my thinking process, and helps me get out of my emotional distress. The treatment effect is good, and my worries are reduced from 6 points to 2 points, which is actually a big improvement... I am so impressed by the skills of transforming my thoughts. Now, I change my way of thinking, know how to protect myself, and become smart. The emotional ruler, abdominal breathing, and transforming thoughts are the three things which are used very often. They are very practical.

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I am satisfied with what I have learned in the iCBT. I became nervous easily in the past. After completing the online modules, I know that I don’t need to “think” too much. Rather I learn to take proper action to deal with those things that make me nervous. It is the best solution. I had such a successful experience in the iCBT! After using this service, what I have learned is about cognitive restructuring. It is really unnecessary to always think of the worst or negative things.

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In this course, simply speaking, I have learned to avoid cognitive bias such as not to jump to conclusions, not to think too quickly and jump to conclusions quickly, not to have too many “must”. Sometimes, I am more aware of my depressive mood, and my awareness has been enhanced.

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Transforming my thoughts can help me relieve my emotions. When being aware of my negative thoughts, I transform these thoughts. After transformation, I become happier, more relaxed, and less irritable. Now, I pay more attention to my catastrophic thoughts and my strengths.

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In fact, telephone (telephone counseling) is not different from face-to-face (face-to-face counseling). If you are busy and want to be efficient, I think the telephone (telephone counseling) is much better.

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I find that mindfulness can actually improve my sleep problems. I am a person with mild anxiety. Although I don’t have anxiety disorder, I do not sleep well when encountering problems or stress. Now, under similar circumstances, I practice mindfulness. Then, I feel more peaceful, comfortable, and become less anxious. Now I also recommend my friends to practice mindfulness, because it is very helpful!

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Mindfulness helps me be aware of my habitual negative emotions. When these emotions appear again, I can cope with them. I have my choice to let myself be quiet, to rest, and do not allow the emotions to lead my way ahead. Then, I feel at ease and my mood swings have been reduced a lot.

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After practicing mindfulness, not only my emotions are relieved, my stress is also reduced. Even my digestive system becomes better. Due to mindful eating, I chew slowly, and am aware of the food swallowing process and the body sensation. After practicing this method to eat and drink, my hyperacidity and stomach pains have improved.

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When I talk face-to-face, I am embarrassed by my crying. ..When we talk via WhatsApp, she (the counselor) does not see my crying, and I feel at ease... Her voice is so gentle. She is so gentle which makes me very comfortable... It is interesting for her to say “Add oils”, and I keep on listening... Sometimes she pushes me by saying: “Keep on working. Unlock (complete) this module and move to the next module”. She always encourages me... tries to uncover my words… helps me to understand myself better.

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The phone conversation is better. It does not waste my time. Smartphone is easy to use. You start the service as soon as you turn it on... It is better to have someone (counselor) help you. Due to our laziness, it will be difficult for us to do it for 8 weeks just by ourselves. When you are tired today, you do not do it. Then you will not do it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. That is to say, you may not complete it within 8 weeks.

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Before going to bed every night, I spend ten minutes practicing mindfulness to let go of the anxiety and unhappiness, and then my body becomes completely relaxed. I am very happy to use this method. My insomnia has been solved.

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I practice breathing exercises before I go to sleep. Also, I practice mindfulness regularly, and listen to relaxing music occasionally. These are all helpful to me.

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In general, my emotions are getting better. Whenever I have emotional distress, I need to spend some time getting out of it. Now, it takes less and less time.

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Breathing is the most practical and easiest way to relax. It helps me a lot.