Antonio Wong
(Art Therapist)


Antonio Wong 
Art Therapist


Antonio is a HKPCA certified counsellor (CCoun), a registered art therapist (AThR) and a registered expressive arts therapist (REAT®). He employs a client-centered approach in his counselling work for group as well as individual cases. This allows his clients to meet their own needs and therapeutic goals, then resolve issues at their own pace. He works with a diverse range of clients including adolescents and adults with depression & anxiety disorders, SEN students, LGBT community, and sex workers with emotional issues.

Professional Qualifications

  • HKPCA Certified Counsellor (CCoun #2016-198)
  • Registered Expressive Arts Therapist (REAT® #1715)
  • Registered Arts Therapist (AThR #46961840)

Previous Work experience

Part-time Lecturer 
Educational Psychology Department
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Psychological Counsellor 
The United Centre of Emotional Health & Positive LivingPart-time Counsellor & Lecturer
The Hong Kong Art School